
Tiếng Anh Lớp 8: Giúp mình mấy cái đề này với 1.Talk about country life and city life 2.How to learn EL vocabulary Cảm ơn trước! *Mình đa

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Giúp em bài tập về nhà Tiếng Anh lớp 8 câu hỏi như sau: Giúp mình mấy cái đề này với
1.Talk about country life and city life
2.How to learn EL vocabulary
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*Mình đang cần hơi gấp ạ

Trả lời 2:
Gia Sư Hoàng Khang gữi câu trả lời dành cho bạn:

1. Read whenever possible. Whether it is novel or a magazine or something trivial, pay close attention to anything with writing on it. The more you are exposed to words, the more you will learn. Do not skip unfamiliar words: if you don’t know what a word means, look it up and make a note of it.

2. Write down new words. Writing the actual word with the meaning will help you remember it. Keep a diary so that you will have a collection of all your new words that you can easily revise when needed.

3. Vocally practise new words. Have a “word of the day” and use your newly learnt word throughout the day so you will learn to use it in context and not forget it quickly.

4. Visually remembering words is very helpful. Try writing words on small sticky notes and adding them to items around the house so that you will associate new words with their relevant images.

5. Play word games online and look up the meanings of new words as you encounter them. Scrabble is a fun game to play for this purpose.

6. Use new words regularly so that you don’t forget them. Write articles that people will enjoy reading or start a blog that could be about anything.

7. Correspond with an English pen friend. The best way to gain confidence in speaking any language is by talking to a native speaker.

Trả lời 1:
Gia Sư Hoàng Khang gữi câu trả lời dành cho bạn:

ừm mk trả lời câu 1 thôi nhen!

1.Nowadays, people are free to choose places where they love to work most, live most. However, there are usually two main kinds of place, cities and countryside. Though they all are in which people and their family inhabit, each of them has their own things, and there is huge differences between city life and countryside life.

To begin with, consider city life. Industries and services in cities are developing rapidly. The more cities develop, the more it has many opportunities of working and studying to integrate and perfect yourself as well as the better material and technical conditions are. As a result, cities attract the huge number of people to come there to settle. That population increases very fast and become more crowded leads lots of contrary consequences. Even though it gives motivation for cities in progress, it bring bad effects and difficulties for cities and people’s life there. First of all, it makes cities become busier, noisier and more cramped; dust appears more too. In addition, states of traffic jams also happen more. The speed of cities’ growth get people there keep the race of developing constantly and positively; most of them always are at work and have no time to contact with others surrounding them. Therefore, I think that, life in cities is very boring and solitary due to its situation and high living standard. The cities are only suitable for who want to be mature and get many choices and chances.

Countryside is the most wonderful place which intends for who love peaceful and quiet life to settle down. Countryside has fewer possibilities of developing yourself as well as fewer jobs for people. Living in the countryside with low living standard and not good conditions, people meet many difficulties in updating information and looking for great opportunities, so it is hard for them to become excellent. Although countryside has no excitement like cities, it has pure and fresh atmosphere which is compatible with the old and who do not love to live with squeezing through the crowd. There, people are less; smog is less; traffic jams is less; furthermore, the life flows more slowly. This is a marvelous and worthy life. Because people are busy with their life much, they have time to be in contact with their neighbors and become friendlier.

In conclusion, there are a lot of oppositions between city life and countryside life notwithstanding their small similarity. Living in the cities or in the countryside which has own advantages and disadvantages is based on each person’s interest and disadvantages is based on each person’s interest and character.

Phụ huynh gặp khó khăn cân bằng công việc và dạy con chương trình mới. Hãy để dịch vụ gia sư của chúng tôi giúp bạn giảm bớt áp lực, cung cấp kiến thức chuyên sâu và hỗ trợ con bạn học tập hiệu quả.

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